Kacper Cieśla - CV attachment

References to some of my projects
Last update: 2008-04-21 (trendoholik.pl added on 2010-12)
  1. Hosted.pl - administration panel, client panel

    Software for accounts managment, and client panel. Some of it's functionality:

    Lately I've rewritten most of it's functionality to Ruby on Rails

    For security reasons I cannot show here screenshots of all functions.

  2. Trendoholik.pl

    Real estate market anylysis. Mostly finished, currently collecting some more data before lunch.


    Statistics system wrote to be used just for programuj.com, modified later to be used with many sites. Implemented functions:

    Project no more developed since i was busy creating software for hosted.pl. Below some screenshots with programuj.com stats from 2004 (click to zoom)

  4. Programuj.com (link)

    I'm running it for pretty long time now. More than 4,000 unique users, and about 100,000 counters views daily.

  5. Fortunki.prv.pl (link)

    Nothing big, but I really like it :) Small script, more than 3,000,000 views since creation (I'm currently preparing fortunki.pl)


    HTML editor wrote by me, because years ago I could not find any one that would fit my needs. You can find some screenshots at:http://www.programuj.com/chtml.php

  7. community.programuj.com (link)

    Project started not so long time ago, created in Ruby on Rails. At the beginning it was working in a smaller version as a blogging system under devlog.pl English version availible at codingbitch.com It still needs a lot of work, but here is what I've already implemened:

  8. Gotepad

    Something like a wiki, but with pages permissions and owners (unix like). Currently I'm moving most of it's ideas to community.programuj.com

  9. Watson

    Logs analyzer for Ruby on Rails. Just started, nothing great but it works. Find more at http://watson.rubyforge.org/

  10. db4objects plugin for merb

    Totally alpha. Something about it

  11. Small GUI apps